Nowadays entrepreneurship is increasingly attractive.
Being an entrepreneur is very appealing with its multiple advantages: organizational freedom, being your own boss, choosing your team…
However Julien Foussard notes entrepreneurship may be impressive and a source of stress for some.
Being your own boss requires a strong discipline and a remarkable sense of organization. Entrepreneurs can hardly manage everything and fortunately for them, several innovations make their life easier. Julien Foussard presents these numerous innovations.

Julien Foussard analyzes the increasingly higher number of business creations
Business creations have never been that high over the past years. The number of new organizations is on the rise and simultaneously, products and services for entrepreneurs are developed – especially digital.
If for some time, the big corporations have been the only businesses concerned about the digital transformation, small and medium-sized companies and start-ups are getting interested.
They are particularly proactive in offering digital solutions to professionals.
For example, Qonto has recently reached a record high fundraising with four million euros in the effort to improve the banking services dedicated to professionals.
On the other hand, the start-up Alan has raised forty million euros to develop a healthcare and provident scheme for organizations.
Spendesk may be another example; they offer solutions for an easier management of expense reports. For Julien Foussard, all these solutions have one thing in common: the digital domain facilitates the organizations processes by offering turnkey services for an entirely digital experience.
These services support professionals and substantially facilitate the daily administrative task resolution. With these solutions, entrepreneurs can save precious time! It may be difficult to do everything by yourself and to manage every task simultaneously.
Thus, these digital services are a great support for entrepreneurs.
Beyond the implementation of new services for small sized companies, some solutions become digital by offering alternatives to the traditional tools.
It is the case of LegalTech who assists the online business creation and offer models (for example, legal documents) entrepreneurs may need.
Yet, Julien Foussard notes some digital services hardly replace the traditional offers.
Some obstacles prevent the entrepreneurs from choosing an entirely digital management of their organization.
Julien Foussard notices some obstacles to the services digitalization
However Julien Foussard notes some entrepreneurs are not satisfied with the service offerings. The digital solutions are not often adapted to some businesses and some entrepreneurs may privilege the human connection to deal with complex issues.
A real contact may be reassuring to deal with the complexity of the administrative tasks, whether legal or social.
While maintaining a privileged contact with a “real” person, you will have more chances to benefit from a bespoke service. Compared to the digital platforms, physical proximity may give you the impression to be better understood and supported. However, some digital services may be limited. For instance, the currently popular online banks may be very attractive for the entrepreneurs getting established. However, they do not offer a comprehensive service offering, compared to a physical bank: the financing and the saving solutions do not align with the actual demand.
To choose between physical and digital services, Julien Foussard recommends proceeding on a case-by-case basis. If it is safe to say online services present a range of opportunities, the facts remain you will be more secured if you are physically supported.
You must thoroughly analyze your means and your goals to know the services which are ideally placed to meet your needs.
To move forward, knowing your strengths and your weaknesses, as well as the areas of improvement is essential. With a self-assessment and a strategic schedule on the long term, you will have a better view of your goals. This type of organization may give you the necessary motivation and an extra level of energy. It is indeed easier to be 100% involved when you know the goals and the next deadlines.
Julien Foussard reminds entrepreneurship requires perseverance, determination, as well as courage and self-confidence on the long term.