There are many articles and press reports on the corporate social responsibility. For Julien Foussard, the corporate social responsibility policy of organizations is a very popular topic.
However, the business leaders do not always know where to start, what to implement and what the benefits of this process are.
In this article, Julien answers these questions in complete transparency.
The advantages of a corporate social responsibility policy explained by Julien Foussard
The last national perception survey on the corporate social responsibility policy for the MEDEF organizations reveals several inconsistencies on the subject.
Indeed, it appears most of business workers and leaders are not aware of the implementation stakes of this policy.
Yet, according to Mr. Foussard, there are many benefits and advantages.
Implementing a corporate social responsibility policy within your organization will help you reach several goals such as reducing water and energy costs, but also motivating the employees and attracting new talents.
The corporate social responsibility policy deals with various issues and reveals a very positive image of your organization. While competing to win new market shares and receiving funding from agencies, this policy plays an essential role.
If you implement that kind of measure, your reputation among stakeholders of your business ecosystem will be valued.
Your colleagues, partners and clients may be expecting different measures you alone can implement. The last studies show the employees are increasingly sensitive to the issues such as the well-being in the workplace, and to the measures that can impact the environment, the social economy and the implemented governance of your organization.
While working on meeting these goals in your professional environment, you are contributing to showing a modern and committed image of your organization. According to Mr. Foussard, this process might have a number of positive results.
If the goals associated with the implementation of such a policy are clear, you still need to know how to process.

Julien Foussard explains the necessary steps to follow as part of the corporate social responsibility
The different steps to implement the corporate social responsibility policy depend on the size of your organization.
Indeed in big corporations, a dedicated department is most of the time in charge of implementing the policies. This type of department works closely with other departments such as marketing and internal and external communication particularly.
However if the size of your business is not sufficient for such a department, there is no way to panic! Little actions may be easily implemented, even in small organizations. For example, the origin of your products may be determined whatever the size of your structure. This is now enhanced and easy to find at the local level. The short channels and the support of local activities are particularly enhanced and sustained measures.
To ensure an efficient and durable corporate social responsibility policy, Julien Foussard recommends prioritizing your actions. Define the goals and the challenges related to your business in order to understand where to go, what to do first and where. The simplest way is to begin by some little actions that can easily be identified. While completing this step successfully, you would be inclined to do more and to go further in implementing such actions. Once the measures are implemented, you must follow up the different actions. If an assessment is not mandatory in the smallest organizations, knowing with precision your potential for improvement and where to go further is an important step. For the biggest corporations, it is vital to implement indicators to inform your share holders and your bankers.
Here, the measurement levels are very different – from the pollution levels to the wage gap between men and women. Their goal is to determine the plans for which the organizations are ahead in this domain and the areas of improvement.
Julien Foussard concludes that if you consider the corporate social responsibility as a long term investment, your organization will be on the right track.